Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hospital stay now on hold

Emily went in for her labs today. We were all thinking it was just a formality and that her levels would be ok to admit her. They were not, specifically her ANC level was 386 and it needs to be 500 to get the high dose Methotrexate. So she will be re-tested on Friday. Depending on hospital beds she could be admitted Friday, or sometime early next week. So, here goes the roller coaster of treatment.

It's frustrating because Tracy and I and our families had all the care plans nailed down, now we have to re-start. Don't get me wrong I want them to do what they need to do for Emily, I just selfishly want it to go as planned.

So for now she is on hold, no pills or anything, to get her ANC level back to 500 so we can start it all again.


Anonymous said...

No matter how frustrating, no matter how long it takes, we will get this little girl through this.
Love, Grannie

Emma said...

So sorry to hear about the setback. We are sure her levels will be back up again soon and she can continue her treatment. Hang in there. You are all doing such an amazing job and Emily continues to be such an incredible fighter.

Unknown said...


Before Emily's diagnosis and your blog, it is safe to say that I had no idea what it was like for someone to "have cancer." Obviously there are many types of cancers, treatments, etc., and Emily's is only one example, but her situation has given me a far more intimate understanding of what other people have gone through and may go through in the future. I think your blog serves to educate us to be more compassionate toward others and be more appreciative of the things in life we take for granted. Thank you.
