Sunday, July 6, 2008

We are still in the hospital

Emily's Methotrexate level has not fallen low enough to be sent home. This is extremely long for a methotrexate treatment, but we can't do anything about it. Her level rose from a .12, to a .13, to a .18 in consecutive blood draws, so in the wrong direction. There really isn't anything "bad" about not clearing as long as she doesn't get the side effects of mouth sores. So far she has two, but they aren't bad. One new one, and the one from last time has flared up again. She's on "magic mouthwash" to numb her mouth when she wants to. For the most part the sores are not obstructing her eating, so she's not reporting much pain. For the most part she is doing fine, watching TV, playing games, drawing, dancing, singing and coloring. Hopefully she will be back home Monday.


Anonymous said...

Dear Emily,Iam sad to hear that. I hope u got our package Emily I hope it will cheer your day up! Love your cousin Windy

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily -
I miss you so much and wish I could be there for more of this hospitalization, which seems to be really dragging on for you. Take care.
Love, Grannie

Emma said...

We hope by the time you read this, you are at home. We are thinking of you and hope that you are doing okay. You are such an amazing girl!