Thursday, July 17, 2008

Okay, now she is settled

Emily really lucked out after a lot of waiting. As I mentioned in my earlier post today, she had her procedure at 3:30. Then she needed to recover. Then we should have been admitted to a room on 1 North, but the bed that was supposed to have opened up, didn't. So Tracy and Emily had to wait around until 8:30 for a room. We ended up not even being on 1 North, the oncology floor, we are on the 3rd floor in a general surgery ward. That means that 1 North has to staff a Oncology nurse to that floor to take care of Emily. The BEST news....for all that waiting we got a PRIVATE room finally !!! And we have been told that they won't be moving her, she gets it for this entire admission. That is so they can put kids who are more sick on 1 North. Emily, Tracy and I are all really excited to have privacy after two shared room experiences. Tracy and I will have a bed to sleep in rather than a chair, I can't tell you how much better it will be. She is also next to the play room, which she loves. Tomorrow they are showing a private screening of Disney Pixar's Wall-e at 2, and I am probably going to go check it out, if I can. It's been a really long day.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness...A private room! Enjoy the luxury of having a bed. You can tell Emily I have been imagining all kinds of funny places to keep somebody waiting for a bed. Is there room in a closet? Do they let you have a private stall in a bathroom? Do you hang out in a garden or a lobby? On a coat hook in the hall? How lucky she will be to get to see Wall-e. It is a very entertaining movie. Feel good and clear those drugs as fast as you can!

Anonymous said...

Yes! A private room - what a coup for all of you. I saw those shared rooms the two times before, and the "recliners" were almost impossible. Amazing what makes us happy these days, but we know Emily is getting the best care and will be entertained by the movies and play room while she continues this difficult Phase 3. Tell Emily we love her so much.
Love, Grannie & Grampa

Anonymous said...

It was certainly intersting talking to Emily last evening while she waited for a bed to come available. She is really on top of her care and has the same frustrations anyone in this situation would have. However, her good attitude comes through despite the adversity. Grampa and Grannie send hugs and kisses for Emily, Haley, Tracy and Chris. We hope to see you all very soon.

Love - Grampa and Grannie