Wednesday, November 11, 2009

H1N1 and lab update

Despite having H1N1, Emily's counts are totally where they should be this week, so she will remain on %100 Chemo. I am surprised to be honest, but the clinic said that with H1N1 they aren't seeing counts reduce. I read that H1N1 kills because it produces a wild response in your immune system called a Cytokine Storm, which backs what the clinic told us. At any rate despite this flu, Emily continues to do really well.

She isn't all the better from the flu but she is up, dressed and walking around doing normal "Emily stuff". It seems she is going to get over this with little trouble. The clinic does want her on Tamiflu for 10 days, which is twice the normal duration for the drug.

We plan to send her back to school tomorrow.

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