Thursday, July 23, 2009

Emily's lab results were great !

WBC 4.3
Hgb 11.4
Plt 408
ANC 3090

This all means she continues at %100 dosage.


Lauren Rodriguez said...

Aloha you guys! It's Lauren! I just read the latest entry in Emily's blog. That's awesome that her counts are stable! I'm really happy that she's getting a chance to enjoy the summer! I hope things continue to go well for her. I pray for Emily every day.
I hope you guys have a terrific summer!
I hope to hear from you soon, but take your time
God bless
Your friend, Lauren

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear she is doing so well. What a relief for you guys. Have fun on your vacation!!
-Cathie Watson-Short

Anonymous said...

I am so happy that the summer is going so well for your family and Emily...I hope you have a wonderful trip to Colorado...

Cathy Breit