Wednesday, June 10, 2009

CT Exam and labs

Emily had her CT Scan this morning, along with her weekly labs. We have learned through experience now, how to coordinate the lab draw with the IV placement, so Emily only gets stuck once with a needle. Today her Synera patch didn't work on making her numb so the needle stick hurt, but she still did great and they got her blood for labs and prepped her for CT.

For a CT Scan you have to go through Admitting at the hospital, once that was done, you go to radiology where they take you to another waiting room, where Emily could drink her Contrast for the CT. They mix it with Gatorade and Emily doesn't seem to mind. We waited in the waiting room a good half hour, maybe a little longer, until they came in and brought us to the CT Scanner. They must just have one CT scanner at Packard because we have had the same once through treatment. Emily gets hooked up to her IV next. Then I leave, but Tracy opts to stay in the room and wears protection. I did once but don't anymore, there is no need for both for all of us to be in there. The scan itself it pretty quick, and we were done. I don't expect to get results until maybe next week at her physical exam, but we may hear something sooner, you never know.

We got the results of the labs and her blood is looking better. She isn't neutropenic anymore. Her ANC is 1962 as you can see below. We would expect a rise in ANC on %50 dosage and we have it. They are going to keep her on %50 dosage this week.
WBC 3.0
Hgb 12.9
Plts 307
ANC 1,962

Next week is her monthly IV treatment and Prednisone along with an exam from the doctor.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Emily is a real trooper. It was very nice to hear that her ANC is looking better. It must be a great relief to you that things are going as you would expect and that there isn't something driving those numbers into worrisome territory. I hope that you get to hear wonderful results about the CT scan long before your next visit to Packard. Please tell Emily that people are noticing her lovely, longer hair although I have to admit she looks adorable with it at any length.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Emily for once again being such a trooper...I hope she has a fun last day of school and that all of you have a wonderful summer. I will stay in touch on the blog....Happy Summer Pepper Family...

Mrs. Breit

KMGheno said...

Hi guys, Just checking in. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing those fabulous pics, Emily looks marvelous!

Much love,


Lauren Rodriguez said...

Hey you guys! Aloha! It's Lauren. I just read the latest entry in the blog! I'm so glad Emily's doing better! I'll continue to pray for her

I hope Em has an awesome last day of school and a terrific summer! Tell Emily I said hi!
Your friend,