Sunday, August 10, 2008

Emily cleared, she's coming home.

I really don't know what her level is or the details. She is coming home and I will update the blog tomorrow.

Today we are going to get fish for the aquarium.


Anonymous said...

Hooray for Emily! My grandaughter Emma is in the first grade at EDS - she has only (1) fish who lives in a big round fishbowl - but she loves him. He is black with big bulging eyes and his name is "Fredward". Have a great time selecting fish Emily. I can hardly wait to hear about your new fish and your aquarium. Have a wonderful day.

mrs. breit

Jessica Nichols said...

Yay! Enjoy your cozy comfy bed tonight!

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily -
I'm so happy you are out of the hospital and home having fun with your new fish. Thanks for the call letting me know about them. You are the best!
Love, Grannie