Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today was yet another good day for Emily. :-) We ended up not going to school but she had a very nice playdate with her good friend, Olivia Scott. She was feeling well enough to play with Olivia, and when she walked around the house she only needed occasional spotting up and down our two steps into the family room. Go Em!

She still has not thrown up since she had her Cytoxan at Packard on Tuesday. She does complain of "tummy pain" but no vomiting. We are giving her the Zofran (anti-nausea med) whether she needs it or not, as instructed by our NP and all the nurses, but I think we'll stop it after today.

Emily's hair looks very thin now and just continues to fall out in handfuls. She wakes up with tons on her pillow and loses a lot on her clothes throughout the day. Last week there was a gigantic clump of matted hair on the back of her head that she would not let me near with a comb, no matter what. It turned out to be a big tangle of hair that had already fallen out and was just hanging on by a few strands. I showed Em the clump after I cut it off and she thought it was hilarious that she'd had that thing on the back of her head.

Good parents we are, we have been trying to get her in for a haircut. A short haircut. Since she is so comb- and brush-phobic, I'm thinking that unless we get her a little Pixie cut we will find more and more humongous matted hair clumps on her little head.

I finally got her in to our local kids' haircut place yesterday via the "less hair in food" angle. But no Pixie. She wanted a bob, "like Haley's." She didn't really get that much length off, but since she let the stylist actually touch her hair with a comb, it looks cuter now without all the extra just-waiting-to-fall-out hair.

After the stylist combed and preened her and applied the spray-glitter and cute clippie, it lifted Em's spirits. She looked at her puffy-cheeked reflection and smiled and said, "I love it." We went home with the essential lollipop souvenir plus a little envelope of hair per Em's request. I'm thinking that this might be Emily's last haircut for some time.


Emma said...

Emily, I am sure you look beautiful with your new hair do, especially with that big, beautiful smile. Have a good Friday!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday when I called, it was so wonderful to hear Emily's happy voice talking about her haircut. She sounded so positive and she really lifted my spirits, just as the haircut had lifted hers! I love you all so much.
Love, Grannie

Anonymous said...

You are really a courageous couple...May GOD be with you in all that you do for Emily...And I will also pray that she gets well enough to go to School as she wants to.

Anonymous said...


Remember that on the inside you are still the same sweet girl. We love that you are showing such strength though this. We are very proud of you.

Grannie and Grampa

Kim said...

Thanks for sharing this, Tracy. The bit about the spray glitter and clip and Em saying "I love it," is both sweet and moving all at once. Amazing is not a strong enough word for Emily.

Thought of her again yesterday while at Marilyn's--Marilyn sends her very best wishes, plus some sour candy :)


Unknown said...

Thanks, Tracy for sharing this story. It was sweet and touching.
